Friday, November 16, 2007

Ron Paul on the Move

Ron Paul moves on and on. The cranky old man from Texas is raising money at an incredible pace. There is surely something one likes about Paul--he is straight-shooting, honest, and direct. Kind of refreshing. What will kill him is that he lives in a 19th century world of limited government that isn't possible or feasible anymore in a republic of 300 million souls.


Anonymous said...

It is possible to live in the free society Ron Paul imagines, you are just too intellectually lazy to consider the possibilities that exist when you look to people first to solve a problem, instead of looking to government.

Or then again, maybe you don't like the thought of loosing the taxpayer subsidy of your favorite perks.

Anonymous said...

So, in other words, you believe that liberty is not feasible anymore. Just like mu relatives in the Soviet Union laughed when we told them that WE, not the state, chose our own careers. How sad for you.