Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Thompson will be in by July 4, Newt by Labor Day. McCain will be out by Christmas and Richardson out by Iowa.

Click on COMMENTS below and post your predictions, or send an email to nj2008@hallnj.org.


Anonymous said...

What about Gore? Even former President Bill Clinton seems to think he is going to get into this fight once a B-lister stumbles.

The Hall Institute of Public Policy said...

No. He will get into it if someone on the A list falls, mainly Hillary. If she stumbles in NH and Iowa, he will announce. If not he will stew.

Michael Martin said...

There are several activists who still want Wesley Clark to jump in for the Democratic nomination, but he seems to be wavering and may not do so; he entered late last time, and I don't think he would do the same this time.

Also, concerning Vilsack's endorsement of Hillary: is there an tacit agreement for him being a VP frontrunner, should she get the nomination?

Anonymous said...

nice post, it's really interesting for me today, thx

Anonymous said...

I agree with Actoc